Eva Glawischnig – Green top candidate for Parliament Election 2013 – reveals – The summer tour of Austria’s Green was 4.6. at Burgenland and at 5.6. in Styria

In Burgenland Eva with her campaign team distributed 300 small snacks on street for people and shown to them about the value of organic food, which agrees with the slogan “bio makes you beautiful” to everyone.


At 5.6. Eva and her team are a guest in Styria. When visiting the organic pig farm Labonca where pigs can live idly have Lara Köck and Birgit Meinhard-Schiebel jointly set a sign against the often denounced generation gap. The journey continues to Carinthia to Vienna and finally to Upper Austria. The team from Eva are staff member, Member of Parliament and Nationalcandidates for parliament election and activists.

In Styria the committed Green Seniors arrived to the summer festival with Eva.


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