Meeting to prepare the EGP Congress in Vienna

Unfortunately, we Green Seniors cannot attend the meeting of the European Greens in Vienna this time, as we only count as a network and they are not invited. We would have liked to have a fringe meeting on ageism, together with leading European scientists. We are now postponing this to the week around 7 October, the International Ageism Day. EGP will support us.

But we want to distribute flyers on ageism already in Vienna. It is such an important topic – also within the Green Party. It is good that our board member Irmgard from Austria will be there to distribute our flyers.

Irmgard also brought up the issue of peace, which we should urgently discuss. She will soon prepare a paper on this for our homepage together with Kerstin from Sweden.

Our next public general meeting will be held on 25 August at 5pm. You are cordially invited to attend. We want to talk about a name change and about our statutes. Kris and Kerstin will prepare this.

Our board member Christa will draft the ageism flyer as well as give input on heat waves, both will be posted on the homepage soon.

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