Meeting of GroenPlus with Green MEP SARA MATTHIEU

GroenPlus delegation in front of the European Parliament
GroenPlus (the Flemish Green Seniors) met our MEP SARA MATTHIEU at the European Parliament in Brussels on 5th of May.

Meeting of GroenPlus with Green MEP SARA MATTHIEU in the European Parliament.

On May 5, we went to the European Parliament with a delegation from GroenPlus and were welcomed by Sara Matthieu, a member of the European Parliament for the Green Party. We had a good discussion about Social Europe ( and about the place of the elderly in that Social Europe. This was introduced by Robert Crevit, member of the Initiative Group for Elderly Rights Commissioner in the Flanders. On that occasion we were also able to zoom in on the need for an Elderly Rights Commission in all EU countries and on the need, with European Green Party support, to draw up an Elderly Rights Convention within the UN.

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