Demands for the election platform in Germany


In Germany, we will have elections in September. These are the demands of the German Green Seniors (Grüne Alte):

Age-friendly city and communities: Demographic change, the higher life expectancy of people in our society, is advancing. We therefore want to implement the concept of the World Health Organization of Age-friendly Cities and Communities in Germany as well. Large cities like London and Montreal or municipalities like Esbjerg (DK) or Freeport (USA) have already joined the international network of 1000 cities and municipalities. In Germany it has been Radevormwald and Münster so far. There, targeted measures are initiated that make life in town and country easier for the elderly. And all generations benefit from this. It’s about wide footpaths and bike paths on which you can move safely, green areas within walking distance, benches to rest, meeting places without compulsory consumption, multi-generational living, barrier-free apartments that are also affordable, living space swap, sufficient outpatient care and good local supplies. Images of age have changed, age is very diverse and must not be deficit-oriented, but must be thought of in a potential-oriented manner. We want self-determined life and social participation as far and as long as possible.

Old-age poverty: Old-age poverty is a growing problem and women are particularly affected, as they were often not employed or only part-time because of raising children and caring for relatives. But everyone has the right to material security and social, political and cultural participation as well as a life without existential fear. This requires a strong welfare state that creates the conditions for a self-determined, happy life, actively enables participation and ensures that no one falls through the cracks. We want to promote the independent livelihood of women and measures to promote fair wages. We need an increase in the basic security in old age, as it is currently not enough for living.

Digitalization: The digital transformation is changing our society at great speed. Assistance systems in the home, health care, telemedicine, e-governance, digital communication and access to mobility can make participation, independence and living within your own four walls easier – which is what most people want. Older people in particular with low incomes and not so well educated are already digitally left behind. Women and people with a migration background are particularly affected. To counteract this, we need lifelong learning opportunities, targeted digital training for the elderly, free WiFi in nursing homes and service apartments and for everyone else who cannot afford online access. Today it belongs to the general interest and should become a basic right.

Elderly Care: We demand effective quality controls, strengthen outpatient care services and expand municipal care advice centers. We want the development of neighborhood concepts, because good care will in future consist even more of a needs-based mix of civic engagement, neighborhood help, low-threshold offers and professional services and care by relatives. We want to promote new forms of living in which all generations can accompany and support each other in everyday life through mutual cooperation. We want family caregivers who do 3/4 of the care work in Germany to be financially secure. They need more support in their work and easier access to offers / resources. In the further development of the health and medical professions, imparting a culture-sensitive and diversity-oriented attitude in the profession should be a matter of course.

Living in old age: We advocate more multigenerational houses in housing construction, housing swaps with support so that older people can move out of large apartments more easily, living-for-aid projects, affordable housing for students in care facilities, shared apartments for the elderly, also for people with handicaps and / or dementia. Inclusion instead of exclusion. And not only when building condominiums, but also in the area of ​​rent and social housing, so that people with lower incomes can also use such offers.

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