Minutes from ENGS Fringe Meeting Karlstad 2017 13. May 2018 ENGS EUROPEAN NETWORK OF GREEN SENIORS Karlstad 26 November 2017 Reino Lampinen ENGS Fringe Meeting 25 November 2017 from 14.30 to…
Austrian Grandmas fighting against „Neo Nazis“ 6. February 2018 Austrians have taken refugees into their homes. But the new far-right government would like to move refugees out of the community…
NGO Forum and Ministerial Conference on Ageing Lissabon 2017 29. September 2017 Birgit Meinhard-Schiebel, from Carers’ Organisation Austria participated in the UNECE NGO Forum on Ageing, held on 20 September 2017, in Lisbon, Portugal. The…
News from Finland 1. July 2017 Three Days’ Political Turmoil in Finland I am writing this in a train heading for Tampere, where the Greens in Finland will have there the annual…
WEADD Day 2017 4. June 20174. June 2017 World Elder Abuse Awareness Day, June 15, 2017 Senior Financial Empowerment Act http://www.napsa-now.org/get-connected/weaad2015-2/
Speech in City Council Vienna December 2016 20. December 201620. December 2016 City Council Vienna, Budget Discussion, 12 December 2016 EUROPE Birgit Meinhard-Schiebel A week ago yesterday, something happened, the importance of which may only become apparent in…
Green Seniors FINLAND 20. December 201621. December 2016 ENGS Reino Lampinen 10 December 2016 Activities of the Green seniors in Finland During this year our two associations, the nation wide Ikävihreätand the…
Gender Pension Gap at EGP 2016 Glasgow 3. December 20163. December 2016 #Genderpensiongap Why women have low pension after familywork, care, parttime-jobs – the gender pension gap is leading to agepoverty
Austrian Grandmas fighting against „Neo Nazis“ 6. February 2018 Austrians have taken refugees into their homes. But the new far-right government would like to move refugees out of the community…
News from Finland 1. July 2017 Three Days’ Political Turmoil in Finland I am writing this in a train heading for Tampere, where the Greens in Finland will have there the annual…
Speech in City Council Vienna December 2016 20. December 201620. December 2016 City Council Vienna, Budget Discussion, 12 December 2016 EUROPE Birgit Meinhard-Schiebel A week ago yesterday, something happened, the importance of which may only become apparent in…
Gender Pension Gap at EGP 2016 Glasgow 3. December 20163. December 2016 #Genderpensiongap Why women have low pension after familywork, care, parttime-jobs – the gender pension gap is leading to agepoverty