“Another happier ageing is possible”,


Tallinn –Estonia   8—9-10.10. 2010

Fringe Meeting 8th of October 2010


“ Happy Ageing – Another Aging Is Possible “


ENGS White Paper with Aging Compass and HAI Indicators

Power Point:                          Birgit Meinhard-Schiebel – Austria

Input from ENGS members:  Lucille Ryan O`Shea – Irland

                                               Birgit Meinhard Schiebel – Austria

Ute Schmitz – Germany

 Presentation of Didier Coeurnelle – Ecolo  “ Healthy Life Expentancy “

Report of the ENGS Fringe Meeting – EGP Plenary Meeting – Sunday – 10.10.2010

by Tony Cooreman

Good morning Tallinn,

 “Here are the European Vintage Greens, formerly known as the European Network of Green Seniors, with their report of the ENGS Fringe Meeting”

 “Another happier ageing is possible”, that’s what we concluded in our fringe meeting last Friday.

We discussed our ENGS White Paper, paper with 7 HAI (Happy Ageing Indicators) and Ageing Compass.

 We concluded that

  1. 1.   It is not ageing that costs but how we age. And how we age is not just determined by biology. This is a political issue. How we age is determined by quality of inclusive health care, sufficient incomes and whether dignity and rights of full citizenship are also enjoyed by elderly people, who have voice to influence.
  1. 2.   What matters for all people and budgets, is not the length of expected life or life expectancy, but how long we stay healthy.

Healthy life expectancy shows huge gaps between countries in Europe and between men and women.

  1. 3.   We found that in Europe 19% of elderly people risk being poor and women are most at risk.
  1. 4.   Poverty haunts elderly women, but elderly men are haunted by suicides. In 2005, 33% of all suicides were committed by those over 65 which is 3 times higher than suicides of those between 15 – 24 years old. Suicide risk for men is also 3 times more than for women, particularly for men over 75.
  1. 5.   Elderly have big risks, as said before particularly those over 75.

     But they are poorly represented in parliaments. We also lack  

     other political institutions that represent elderly .

  1. 6.   People of all ages belong to the centre of life. When it comes to citizenship and democratic voice, there is no retirement age!
  1. 7.   This White Paper draft was launched by ENGS at the occasion of the EUROPEAN SOCIAL FORUM, July 2010 in Istanbul. We are convinced that this White Paper with Happy Ageing Indicators and Ageing Compass contributes to a better and happier life of all people of any age. It was also presented on the Global Young Greens Conference in Berlin in August 2010.
  1. 8.   In a second part of the White Paper we present a great number of

“good examples of best practice models”, projects set up in different European countries by authorities or private movements with purpose to help all kind of elderly people living together with younger generations in happy life circumstances. That’s how we   give other countries the opportunity to learn from this “good examples” and, if they can and need, copy them.

  1. 9.   Finally, please remember and don’t forget


                               Nothing about us , without us.

We know that all generations will eventually join us in this

“Rocking Chair Revolution”


Support us now  !!!



Tallinn, 10th of October 2010

Kingston –Gendoc.
