ENGS was on stage in Liverpool 2017 Global Green Congress

The Green Congress Liverpool 2017

Members of the European Networking of Green Seniors  (ENGS) were present on the Global Green Conference in Liverpool on 28 march to 2 April 2017. They exchange their experiences with other countries about caring elder people and how to come up to defend the senior rights in society. 

They also participated with the delegates of the Greens of the European countries on the social pillar on social rights; viewing from an age perspective. 

A resolution for the European Parliament was elaborated and amendment. A final text was voted. But ENGS and many other participants want to going further on with this resolution and work in groups to make it better and stronger. So they think that both, decision makers and citizens, will have to shape new avenues in terms of life-long education, conditions governing the transition from working age to retirement, the funding of pension systems, but also on solutions that enable our senior citizens to live longer at home or in Senior Homes, in their communities of choice. 

The board of the European Green Seniors, who is new since half 2016, worked also on his own program and activities and will help develop age related questions to put it on the European agenda. Also they will support initiatives of their members to put questions on the table of local governments. 


On the photo: the board of ENGS: Tony Cooreman (Flanders/Belgium), Anette Muggenthaler (Germany), Vivianne Gunnarson (Sweden), Birgit Meinhard-Schiebel (Austria), Frank Hauser (Germany), Reino Lampinen (Finland).


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