Stopp Climate Change – EU election campaign 20. April 2014 Elderly People need also affordable and feasible access to renewable energy sources. This includes the ability to customize their living space…
EU-Election 2014: Digital Rights protect us 14. April 201414. April 2014 The Internet is the chance to network with people to surf through the net and bring the world into your living…
EU for all – vote for it! 5. April 20145. April 2014 We Green Seniors fight for the future of our grandchildren. They must not be driven into the povertytrap.
The future of Age 24. March 2014 How will we live 2025 as old people? What do we need then? New Technology as help for daily life? New…
On the way to EU-Election 25. February 201425. February 2014 Green EU-Electoral Convention Brussels, 22.2.2014 Green Seniors Amendments are successfully inside the Electoral Manifesto Accepted Amendments within the text in capital…
Human rights of older persons 24. February 2014 PRESS RELEASE Brussels, 20 February 2014 Council of Europe adopts first European instrument on the human rights of older persons Council…
Change Europe now! 20. February 201420. February 2014 This year, together with our 33 member parties in the European Union, the European Greens will run the third common European…
EU-Election 2014: Digital Rights protect us 14. April 201414. April 2014 The Internet is the chance to network with people to surf through the net and bring the world into your living…
The future of Age 24. March 2014 How will we live 2025 as old people? What do we need then? New Technology as help for daily life? New…
On the way to EU-Election 25. February 201425. February 2014 Green EU-Electoral Convention Brussels, 22.2.2014 Green Seniors Amendments are successfully inside the Electoral Manifesto Accepted Amendments within the text in capital…
Change Europe now! 20. February 201420. February 2014 This year, together with our 33 member parties in the European Union, the European Greens will run the third common European…