Age Friendly Cities in Europe-ENGS Working group in EGP Council Copenhagen

 11. May 2012

Guest Speakers : Jean Lambert MEP

Pierre Hemon Deputy Mayor of Lyon

Jean Lamberts : Introduction of the theme in the EU-Year of Active Ageing

Interesting historical introduction of the subject. Report about the back ground of the WHO (World Health Organisation)concept and the Dublin Resolution. A parallel was made with the situation of the younger generations who are getting interested in the Age Friendly concept as they too face barriers and exclusion.

Mention of the consequences of the crisis and austerity measures which lead to a decrease in social measures in many European countries. There is a need for a strategy towards an EU-age friendly network and environment, because more and more people live in cities with an increasing ageing population. People die at a later age than before and they stay more at home, so cities and communities have to take that into account and become age friendly. With prevention measures in health, habitat, transport … the costs can be held low. The longer the elderly stay active and healthy, the lower the costs for society.

Jean worked on a project in London together with several different groups with older members, carers of the elderly both formal and informal. They started by running a list of positive and negative points about environment and the needs. The challenge is helping people to stay at home as long as they wish. The focus was on intergenerational environments.A city with a perfect age friendly environment is New York.

Pierre Hemon, deputy mayor of the French city Lyon which became a member of the WHO Global Network of Age Friendly Cities in September 2010

Pierre is in charge of the elderly in Lyon. He gave a presentation of his experience putting the theory of WHO concept into practice. The project was led with the cooperation of a university.

Jocelyne Le Boulicaut gave a short introduction and specified that the project is a long term policy which needs to be developed more. She was an excellent translator for Pierre Hemon from French to English.

The first step taken was to draw up a photo of the situation concerning what an Age Friendly city is. First step was a basely assessment in which elderly people answered the WHO questionnaire. 1/5 of the city population (90 000 people aged over 60) took part. This is a three year city wide action plan which addresses the 9 districts in Lyon

In his power point presentation Pierre Hemon showed in detail the three steps in his project:

1. Step: Development of an assessment of the age friendliness of the city

–findings and recommendations2. Step Implementation of a 3-4 year city

-wide action plan based on the findings of this assessment and identification of indicators to monitor progress

3. Step Progress evaluation

Pierre insisted on the need for a participatory approach, and on following very faithful the WHO plan, that is addressing the eight topics:

1. outdoor spaces and buildings

2. transportation

3. housing

4. respect and social inclusion

5. culture and leisure

6. communication and information

7. solidarity

8. health services

You can find information under or

After the power point presentation there was a lively discussion with the participants with questions and examples.

The WHO-Questionnaire CD`s with the WHO questionnaire in English, French and Spwere distributed to the participants with the links to relevant pages to find information. (We will send it to you if you leave a comment that you would like to get it)

At the end of the Fringe meeting it was decided to carry on with this work and start working on a programme for an Age Friendly Europe.



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