Accepted Amendments in Lyon

These Amendments were adopted under the heading of: “No to Ageism” Chapter II of the Manifesto

Tabled by Groen on request by European Green Seniors:

“As Greens, we will take a stand against ageism in European policies. The group of very old people is currently the fastest growing group in Europe and we need to be demographically resilient. Therefore, we support measures that promote the inclusion of older people and their participation in policy matters, such as becoming a member in the Global Network of Age-friendly Cities and Communities of the World Health Organization.” 

Tabled by Miljöpartiet de Gröna:

“This also includes securing freedom of movement for those on guaranteed income pensions to be able to live all over the EU and bring their pensions with them. “

Tabled by Groen, result of a compromise between Groen, EELV and Bündnis90/Die Grünen:

“We want poverty-proof pensions for all seniors in the EU, when they reach their pensionable age. At the same time, we encourage approaches where periods of transition between learning, working, family care, periods of unemployment, free time and retirement can take place at different ages of an individual’s life.

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